Forex Webinars: Trend Analysis, Education, Free No Registration
Please attend our free forex webinars on Monday and Wednesday Night USA Time, open to clients and visitors. No registration or email address is required. All of our live webinars are recorded and archived.
To attend either of our forex webinar sessions click on this webinar room access link and the webinar room screen comes up and loads automatically. You can also bookmark this link for web access to the room. If you get the message "waiting for presenter" the meeting has not started yet. Our forex webinar room should be open and ready for attendees 5-10 minutes ahead of each regularly scheduled webinar. To join the audio portion of the webinars please click the phone icon in the top left corner. You can then decide to join the webinar through phone or internet.
The webinar room is a full featured presentation room with voice communication, online forex chat and website presentation capabilities. The chat box for attendees is the green button on top of the screen for asking questions and interaction with the presenters. If you would like to attend the webinars by phone or by using the phone or tablet app just read the instructions and set up the app.
Monday Night Chart Reading Webinars
Join Rick Turner and Joel Beal for our weekly chart reading webinars Monday nights at 7:00 PM Eastern Time Zone (New York) USA for live in the forex market analysis of selected currency pairs, using the forex market analysis spreadsheet. Monday webinars focus on multiple time frame analysis, the major trends of the market, individual currency groups moving together, support and resistance with alert point prices and targets, chart patterns, and chart setups. Watch and participate as we put the 35 forex lessons into practice. We will look at the market and create a trading plan, along with looking at how to enter trades with The Forex Heatmap. Rookie forex traders can learn to drill down the charts and create a trading plan. Veteran traders, join in and tell us what you see. Questions are welcome and encouraged.
Wednesday Forex Webinar - Education, Market Review, Example Chart
Wednesday night USA time webinars start 15 minutes after the trading plans are issued. Webinar start times are at 10:15 PM EST Eastern Time Zone (New York), which is 9:15 PM CST.
The Wednesday webinar agenda includes company announcements, reviewing one of our 35 forex lessons or illustrated articles from our website, trading plan review, general market review/overview, currency analysis, and one example trend chart. Then we finish with questions from the audience, beginner questions are also allowed.
Technical Issues - If you are having technical problems accessing the webinars our email addresses are on the contact us page. Please do not interrupt the webinars, handle any technical issues offline by emailing us for troubleshooting.
Webinar Protocol - If you are new our forex webinar room just listen each week until you learn how we conduct each webinar, then participate when you are ready. All traders, even new forex traders, can ask questions. Wait for the presenter to prompt the audience for questions.
How Do I Prepare For Each Webinar? - Set up the free trend indicators provided by Forexearlywarning and drill down the charts prior to each webinar so you can easily follow the discussion.
How Do Attendees Submit Questions? - The webinar room presenter will prompt the audience for questions. During the question and answer session cut and paste or type your questions into the chat cue. Attendees can prepare questions in advance and cut and paste them into the chat cue if you like.
All Of Our Forex Webinars Are Recorded and Archived
The Monday night chart reading webinars and both Wednesday night webinars audio and video are recorded and archived. Links to the most recent recordings are listed below. Recent historical recorded webinars are also posted on our forexearlywarning twitter feed. On the twitter feed all tweets are date and time stamped. Scroll down the twitter feed to find recent recordings. Attend our free forex webinars live every week, or listen to the archives any time. Here are some or our recent archived webinars:
Monday, March 24, 2025
Forex Market Analysis Webinar This week we analyzed the JPY pairs.
Wednesday, March 19, 2025
Forex Education and Market Analysis
This webinar covers: Forex Fundamental Analysis --- plus overall market analysis. We also looked at the GBP/NZD on the H4 time frame for our example trend and trading plan.